UK Pension Transfers
Bespoke UK pension transfer advice, zero fees and comprehensive investment planning
Transferring your UK pension is an important decision - don’t give away your hard-earned wealth.
Plenty of outfits offer cold calls and one-size-fits-all tax advice, but at Windsor Wealth we have a bigger goal in mind: building your comfortable retirement.
We are chartered accountants and financial advisers who consider your entire financial picture to find the right solution for you. This means we’re not just looking at tax, we’re looking at how you can protect your existing pension equity and grow your investment over the next 20 years and beyond.
Why choose Windsor Wealth?
● No upfront fees - We don’t pay a sales and marketing team, so we don’t need to charge advisory or implementation fees.
● Bespoke advice - In most cases it makes sense to transfer your pension, but in about 20 percent of cases, we recommend our clients keep their pension in the UK. If moving your pension is not in your best interests, we will tell you.
● Investment planning - We’ll create a customised investment plan, backed by evidence and designed to work hard for you. A plan that is logical and easy to understand, with all fees explicitly disclosed and no commissions.
We’ll help you make smart investment choices, with straightforward advice from an experienced investor and adviser who cares about your long-term financial wellbeing.
Contact us on 0508 WINDSOR (0508 946 3767) to book a complimentary consultation and get your pension transfer questions answered.
UK Pension Transfer FAQs
Should I transfer my UK pension to New Zealand?
There are many good reasons to transfer your UK pension. If your pension is in New Zealand, funds can be accessed in full from the age of 55 without any tax deductions. Plus, if you make the transfer within four years of arriving in New Zealand, your fund can be transferred tax-free. Sounds like a win-win right?
Not so fast. If you have a final salary scheme, or insurance benefits, there may be good reasons to keep your pension in the UK.
That’s why you need an expert adviser, who can thoroughly review your pension scheme and overall financial situation, to make sure transferring really is in your best interests.
Why should I invest my pension in New Zealand?
There are a lot of reasons it makes sense to have your money close at hand. It’s easier to keep track of your overall financial position when your funds are consolidated, you have a local adviser in the same time zone , and you don’t have to keep tabs on the financial stability of a UK pension fund.
You’ll have peace of mind knowing your hard-earned pension is locally invested, and you’re financially ready for new opportunities. We’ll even take care of all the paperwork for you.
As full-service financial advisers, we can advise on more than just the pension transfer process. We will consider your pension as part of your complete financial picture, helping you make the overall best choices for you and your family.
Can I leave my pension in the UK and draw it while living in New Zealand?
Yes but you will be taxed.
If you transfer your pension to New Zealand within four years, you can not only transfer it tax-free. You can withdraw your entire lump sum at age 55 with no tax, and spend it when and how you like.
If you leave your pension in the UK, you may have built up quite a lump sum by the time you turn 55. But every time you withdraw money, you will have to pay UK income tax.
The more you withdraw, the higher your income, and the higher your income, the higher your tax bracket goes. You end up with a good pension fund, but limited flexibility, because you can’t access your money without handing over a decent chunk of your savings to HMRC.
What are the risks of transferring my pension?
There are a number of factors that could affect the balance of your pension, so it’s important to get comprehensive advice from a qualified adviser who is an experienced investor - not just a salesperson.
Depending on your UK scheme, you might also lose some benefits like insurance cover. If you’re withdrawing from a defined benefit scheme, you will receive a lump sum transfer, which may or may not be enough to generate the same returns in your New Zealand scheme over time.
The exchange rate will also impact on the total amount transferred. If the exchange rate timing is poor, we can keep your funds in GBP after transferring your UK pension.
Like any investment there are risks attached. We can’t guarantee your pension will perform better or worse than your UK fund, but we can give you comprehensive advice, backed by evidence and tailored to your unique circumstances and overall financial picture. We’ll help you work through the risks, so you can make a fully informed decision that’s right for you.
How long do I have to transfer my pension?
When you move to New Zealand, you have four years to transfer your pension without being liable for tax. You can still transfer your pension after the four year window has passed but the tax liability increases with each year.
How should I invest my pension in NZ?
When it comes to investing for retirement, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It will depend on your overall financial situation, your level of debt and the value of other investments, as well as your age, the size of your pension and your appetite for risk.
We will look at your overall financial picture and help you make fully informed choices that are right for you.
What is a QROPS?
UK Pension Transfer funds must be deposited in a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) or else there are steep tax penalties.
With a QROPS fund in New Zealand, you can choose to withdraw money from the age of 55, or if you become seriously ill. Withdrawals from a New Zealand QROPS are tax free.
If you keep your pension fund in the UK, you would be taxed on income taken from it after age 55, and that makes it hard to take much income each year without a large tax bill.
The New Zealand QROPS would incur tax on dividend income received in the years before accessing it. This tax cost would all incur within the QROPS investment. The UK pension does not incur tax on dividend income during the years you are investing in it.
How do I find a QROPS?
We can help you there. Our preferred QROPS is:
- Well-established having handled more than 2,000 pension transfers
- Allows for low cost transfer, and low cost ongoing investment
- Provides flexibility to select any fund or any company listed in the developed world
You are not locked in to your choice of QROPS and can transfer your funds to a different QROPS scheme in the future if you choose. Costs may apply though, so we’d prefer to help you make the right choice, right from the start.
What happens if I return to the UK?
If you return to the UK within ten years of your original departure from the UK, you will have to pay UK tax on any amount transferred above 25 percent. If you move to another country within five years from the date of the transfer, an Overseas Transfer Charge of 25 percent will apply.
What happens to my pension when I die?
When you die, the balance of your pension will be transferred to your estate. Unlike the UK there are no death duties on pension funds in New Zealand, so your estate will receive the full balance (less any applicable fees or charges).
Does my pension transfer convert to NZ Dollars once it arrives?
In most cases yes, however you can continue to hold funds in GBP if the exchange rate timing is particularly bad.
Can I make regular contributions towards my pension?
You can but you don’t have to. When you work with me as your investment adviser, I will look at your entire financial picture and make recommendations tailored for your situation.
How much will it cost to transfer my pension to New Zealand?
There is no transaction cost and we take care of the paperwork.
In some particular situations where you have been in New Zealand for well over 4 years we may recommend that you receive additional advice from our preferred tax specialists, but we will let you decide in advance if you want to incur this cost.
How long does it take to do a UK pension transfer?
It can take up to 6 months, so it is good to start thinking about your UK pension transfer early, and work with us to get it right, first time.
Contact us on 0508 946 3767 (0508 WINDSOR) to book a complimentary consultation and get your pension transfer questions answered.